
助理教授 陳麗珍


          MBA, University of Bridgeport, Connecticut, U.S.A. (商業管理碩士);


  • 產業經歷
    Friobox Express GdHs Inc., Barcelona, Spain. Logistics & Operations Director, 2001/6~2002/8.
    中華航空公司。航務處標準考核部,督導,1999/3 ~ 2000/7。
    美國聯合航空公司(阿波羅/伽利略航空訂位系統,Galileo GDS TPE)。業務督導 &系統課程講師,1992/3~1996/7。
  • 高等教育教學經歷
  • 高等教育行政經歷


  • 商業管理
    觀光業知識管理能力與績效、觀光業知識導向型人力資源管理實務、觀光業資 訊科技綜效、航空業於觀光業之應用管理。
  • 科學教育
  • 教授科目
    航空客運管理、航空票務、航空訂位分銷系統、旅遊產品規劃與 行銷。




          Chen, L. C. (2012, PdD dissertation). A study of relationships among knowledge-based human resource management practice and organizational culture, information technology synergy, knowledge management capability and firm performance for travel agencies. (Publish expected)

  • 博士論文:
    旅行業之知識導向型人力資源管理實務及組織文化、資訊科技綜 效、知識管理能力與公司績效之關聯性研究。

期刊論文 & 研討會論文       

  • 期刊論文:
    1. 陳麗珍(2017)。探討低成本航空旅客搭乘意願之影響因素─以中國大陸旅客為例。觀光與休閒管理期刊,第 5 卷,第 1 期,55-66。
    2. Chen, L. C., & Wen, L. Y. (2014). A study on employees’ job performance of travelservice company: A framework of knowledge-based approach. 台灣永續觀光期刊, 第二卷、第二期, 59-74. (ISBN: 2307-5988)
    3. Wen, L. Y., Chen, L. C., & Wu, M. C. (2010). The key factors of improving students’employability in vocational higher education. International Journal of Technology and Engineering Education, 7(3), 33-42. (國科會科教學門推薦3.2 級期刊)
    4. Hsia, T. C., Shie, A. J., & Chen, L. C. (2008). Course planning of extension education to meet market demand by using data mining techniques─An example of Chienkuo technology university in Taiwan. Expert Systems with Applications,34, 596-602. (EI Journal)
  • 研討會論文:
    1. Wen, L. Y., & Chen, L. C. (2011). A Study of “Science-Technology-Society” viewpoint impact on the technology acceptance model. The 2011 International Journal of Arts and Sciences, April 11-16, Gottenheim, Germany.
    2. Wen, L. Y., & Chen, L. C. (2010). The factors influencing the contribution of continuing education toward workforces’ professional development and human capital investment. The fourth international conference on genetic and evolutionary computing, December 13-15, Shenzhen, China.(ICGEC-2010-IS02-07). (Conference proceeding has been published with the Conference Publishing Services of the IEEE Computer Society.)
    3. Wen, L. Y., & Chen, L. C. (2010). A method to implement knowledge management: By using web project-based learning to investigate the factors influencing KM learning performance. The 4th North-East Asia international conference on engineering & technology education, 2010, October 25-29, Taichung,Taiwan.
    4. Wen, L. Y., Chen, L. C., & Wu, M. C. (2010). The key factors of improving students’employability in vocational higher education. The 4th North-East Asia international conference on engineering & technology education, 2010,October 25-29, Taichung, Taiwan.
    5. Wen, L. Y., Chen, L. C., & Lee, W. C. (2009). An analysis of adult learning types and characteristics─An example of English course learning at a vocational continuing school in Taiwan. The 2nd international conference on advanced computer theory and engineering (ICACTE2009), September 25-27, Cairo,Egypt. (IEEE conference, the paper was indexed by both EI (Compendex)and ISI proceeding (ISTP).
    6. Lee, W. C., & Chen, L. C. (2008). Project-based learning with the e-learning system: An empirical investigation into critical factors influencing learning performance. The 2008 Hawaii International conference on business, May 22-25.
    7. Chen, M. C., Lee, W. C., & Chen, L. C. (2008). A study on the learning difficulties of integrating information technology into project-based learning instruction. The 2008 International joint conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration,e-Society, and e-Education (e-CASE 2008), March 27-29, Bangkok, Thailand.
    8. You, M. L., Hsieh, M. S., Chen, L. C., & Wen, K. L. (2007). Applied grey relational grade to evaluate the learning effect in asynchronous distance learning. The 2007 International joint conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration,e-Society, and e-Education, Hong Kong, August 15-17.(ISBN-987-986-83038-1-2).
    9. Kung, C. Y., Ho, M. T., & Chen, L. C. (2007). The application of GM (1.1) model of grey prediction to supply and demand of doctor’s manpower for otolaryngologists in Taiwan. The 3rd IASTED international conference, April 2-4, Phuket, Thailand, 559-804. (ISBN CD:978-0-88986-656-0).
    10. 陳麗珍、王竹宜、洪毓涵、張津凱、楊子加、鄭琬融、魏嘉瑩 (2016)。探討消費者之健康促進概念、保健旅遊動機、保健旅遊產品內容與購買保健旅遊意願之關聯性研究─以來台陸客為例。2016 文化創意產業發展新趨勢國際研討會論文集,131。實踐大學高雄校區,5 月 6 日。
    11. 陳麗珍、張育瑄、楊珮慈、蔣文茹、黃怡縈、周佳穎、陳華英 (2015)。低成本 航空旅客之價格認知、品牌權益、策略聯盟與搭乘意願之關聯性研究。 2015 觀光餐旅暨運輸服務學術研討會,5 月 29 日,萬能科技大學。
    12. 陳麗珍、黃佳敏、陳睿妍、邱金婷、林翠香、彭瑜 (2014)。大專生實習動機、 實習滿意度、實習企業選擇與職涯發展之關聯性研究-以觀光相關學系 學生為例。第六屆亞太餐旅教育聯盟暨第十四屆觀光休閒暨餐旅產業永 續經營學術研討會論文集,482-496。國立高雄餐旅大學,11 月 28 日。
    13. 陳麗珍、盧喬鈺、林婷資、巫姿儀、黃義全、林汶萱、李姵瑩 (2014)。探討影 響消費者購買醫療旅遊產品意願之因素與其關聯性之研究。第二屆旅遊 與餐旅產業國際學術研討會,10 月 22-23 日,台南應用科技大學。
    14. 陳麗珍、溫玲玉 (2013)。A Study of Relationship on Knowledge Management Capability and Job Performance for Travel Product Planners。2013 海峽兩岸 綠色經濟與生態文明學術研討會論文集,136-147。北京林業大學,8 月 16-21 日。
    15. 鄭雙慧、鄭振茂、陳正宏、陳麗珍 (2013)。探索陸客來台醫療觀光產業發展商 業機會。2013 文化創意產業發展新趨勢國際研討會,5 月 17 日,實踐 大學高雄校區。
    16. 陳瑜芬、李文清、陳麗珍、任筱立 (2008)。成人學習型態之探討-以科技大學進 修部學生英語課程為例。2008 技職教育國際學術研討會(ITVEC),97 年 11 月 15-17 日,國立台灣師範大學。
    17. 李文清、陳麗珍 (2008)。探討網路專題式學習之學習成效影響因素。第九屆提 升技職學校經營品質研討會。97 年 5 月 2 日,國立彰化師範大學工業教 育與技術學系 